Growing Artificial Societies

Contact Information

Professor Alan G. Isaac

Office: Zoom classroom (via Canvas)

Summer Office Hours: Zoom (by appointment)


Econ 450/650 Overview

Topic Overview

This course provides an introduction to agent-based modeling and simulation (ABMS) as a method for the investigation of complex economic phenomena. Students explore, modify, and create virtual worlds that shed light on the actual world. Illustrative applications include the following:

  • institutional determinants of inequality in the distribution of wealth

  • sources of segregation in urban housing

  • characteristics of social dilemmas such as the tragedy of the commons, and possible escapes from these dilemmas

  • origins of cooperative behavior

  • causes of economic growth

Learning Outcomes

After taking this course, students will be able to:

  • explain how agent-based models are used in social-science research

  • provide examples of how agent-based simulations can teach us about social processes

  • describe a variety of ABMS research programs across the social-science disciplines

  • contrast the strengths and weaknesses of agent-based social science with more traditional approaches (e.g., statistical or mathematical approaches)

  • list some scientific questions that are best investigated with agent-based modeling

  • describe some of the unique insights about economics provided by agent-based methods

  • give examples of how ABMS has affected the social sciences

  • describe different approaches to empirical validation in ABMS

  • use a software toolkit to facilitate ABMS model exploration

  • explain and use basic programming constructs, including looping, branching, and procedures

  • modify and extend simple agent-based models

  • explain why version control software (such as Subversion or git) is important

  • design and construct simple agent-based simulations

  • formulate hypotheses about a simulation model and create an experimental design to test these hypotheses

  • conduct experiments with agent-based models

  • use data-visualization techniques to analyze the results of agent-based experiments

  • present the results of an agent-based research project

This course is designed as an introduction to tools, methods, and applications. Occasionally I will discuss technical details relevant to specific ABMS applications. Mastery of technical details will often be optional for undergraduates. Graduate students in this course will additionally be able to:

  • explain how to use anonymous functions (lambdas)

  • explain the difference between procedural design, object-oriented design, and functional design of agent-based models

  • explain why object-oriented programming is widely used for ABMS

  • describe basic principles of object-oriented program design

  • effectively use version control software

Advanced students will additionally be able to:

  • describe advantages and challenges of running agent-based simulations on a high-performance computing facility

  • explain how parallel and distributed processing can speed up an agent-based simulation

Course Policies


Students should take an introductory course in microeconomics before attempting this course. There are no other prerequisites. Specifically, there are no prerequisite programming courses.

This course does not assume prior experience with computer programming. However, it does assume a real interest in learning to program. In order to master the programming component of this course, you will need:

  • commitment to critical thinking and analytical reasoning, along with curiosity about how to make computers do your bidding.

  • willingness to start out with some intensive rote memorization, as when learning any new language. I recommend cooperating with classmates to create flashcards based on the NetLogo Dictionary.

In order to master the social-science component of this course, you will need:

  • commitment to staying current with the required reading.

  • interest in real-world social phenomena where computational approaches can be usefully applied (e.g., environmental policy, market microstructure, conflict, social networks, origins of cooperation/civilization, intergenerational transmission of economic status, social dilemmas, epidemics, or other area of application).


This class will use Canvas. Look there for the syllabus, lecture supplements, and assignments. Canvas announcements are sent by email; students must monitor these announcements and Canvas Conversations (Inbox). Students should also subscribe to the Canvas Discussions. In online interactions, all students are expected to adhere to basic etiquette: be respectful, and quote appropriately.

Participation Policy

Active and timely participation is required and graded. See the Assignments module on Canvas for details.

Homework Policy

Homework submissions should be clearly labeled with your last name, the assignment number, and the course number. For computational assignments, you must submit a working program file. (Run it right before sending it: programs that do not run as submitted receive a grade of zero!)

Homework must be submitted in approved file formats. Submit written assignments in PDF format. The Software section of this syllabus discusses program and data formats, which each assignment will specify.

Backup Is Required

Back up your homework as you work on it. This is a course requirement. Back up more than once per hour of work to a safe external storage location. (This might be a flash drive or better yet a cloud service such as Google Drive or DropBox.) Since backing up is a required part of the course, work lost due to failure to back up does not excuse non-submission.

Input on Teaching

Near the end of the course, you will have the opportunity to evaluate this class and your learning experience by completing an Input on Teaching from Students (ITS) survey. You are strongly encouraged to fully participate in the ITS process. I especially appreciate written comments that help me to improve and strengthen this course.

Assessment and Grading

Grades are based on total points earned in three components: participation, short computational projects, and a major term project. Students must keep up with the required reading and demonstrate that they are mastering the learning outcomes. Homework projects provide one opportunity to demonstrate mastery, and these receive heavy overall weight in grading. (This course is primarily project-based: there are no exams.) Finally, students work actively on the term project for the entire term; it is broken into components which are submitted as the term progresses. A project-based term paper due at the end of the course replaces the final exam.

The requirements for submitted work are briefly summarized here. However, be sure to visit Canvas for for the assignment details and due dates.

Short Computational Projects

Each student will submit computationally oriented homework projects that develop mastery of methods introduced in the course. Students will implement these projects in NetLogo. Successful project completion will demonstrate an ability to design, construct, and analyze very simple agent-based models. (Graduate students should display their mastery of technical topics in their submitted projects.)

Course Project

All students will complete an extensive research project, which involves extending and experimenting with an agent-based simulation model. Required project milestones (experimental designs, project documentation, code, and paper submission) occur during the course. (Be sure to read the Project Details page very carefully, with special attention to the formatting checklist linked there.)

The proposal, model documentation, and project code are group efforts: each individual in a given group should submit an identical file. However, experiment design and the term papers are individual: each individual should submit a distinct, original experimental design and term paper. In the term paper, students should show that they have responded to my comments on the milestones and that they have overcome any weaknesses and built on any strengths revealed by their homework projects.

Point Allocations (Summer 2023)



point details

Points (Component)



HW Projects


Project 1


Project 2


Project 3


Term Project


Initial Experiment (design)


Initial Experiment (report)


Term-project Documentation (ODD + UML)


Term-project Experimental Design


Term-project Code


Term Paper


Course Resources

Core Texts

An Introduction to Agent-Based Modeling

[Wilensky.Rand-2015-MIT] (This book is used for required readings; it is available electronically from the Library.)

NetLogo User Manual

A a free online resource.

Online Statistics Education

A a free (public domain) online resource.

For additional individual exploration, also see my list of supplementary texts.


Please install NetLogo and Excel on your personal computer before the term begins. (NetLogo is a free download; Excel is provided free to AU students.) See the required software listing for more details. You may also wish to to consider installing some supplementary software, but this is not required.

Support Services

On campus services such as the Writing Center may require explicit instructor approval before providing assignment-related support. Just show them this paragraph, which provides that approval. Of course you cannot ask these services to actually write assignment-related code or text for you. However, you can request help understanding why code you wrote is not working, how best to format your tables, how to effectively work from an outline, and other useful support.

Topics and Readings

Please read the required reading in the order introduced. Readings marked as advanced are required for graduate students only. Optional readings are offered for your own interest and are not required in any way. (There is no expectation that you will even casually glance at the optional readings; they are entirely optional.) You are of course responsible for all lecture content.

Introduction to Computational Modeling

Topic: What Is Computational Modeling?

Modeling and Simulation

Read this section of the Discrete-Time Dynamical Systems Lecture Notes module on Canvas.

Models and Modeling

[Railsback.Grimm-2019-PrincetonUP] Preface and Chapter 1.

Advanced Reading
Algorithms and the Shift in Modern Science


Topic: Beginning NetLogo Programming

Core Concept: Reporter Procedures

Reread this section of my NetLogo Introduction lectures notes (via Canvas).

NetLogo Models: Basic Structure

This is a section of NetLogo Programming, in the Lecture Notes module on Canvas.

Wolf-Sheep Predation

NetLogo User Manual: Tutorial #1 (Also experiment with the Wolf Sheep Predation model.)

NetLogo Plotting
Core Concept: Plotting

This is a section of NetLogo Introduction, in the Lecture Notes module on Canvas.

Procedures, Monitors, Buttons, Switches, Plotting

NetLogo User Manual: Tutorial #3 (Do not expect to fully understand all this the first time through.)

NetLogo Plotting

Read the NetLogo plotting documentation.

Models for Exploration
NetLogo Plotting Example:

File > Models Library > Code Examples > Plotting Example

Video: Rabbit-Coyote Predation by Maureen Psaila-Dombrowski.

Linked in the NetLogo videos.

Advanced Readings and Resources
Decomposition by Maureen Psaila-Dombrowski.

Linked in the Basic Programming videos.

Beginning Computational Modeling

Topic: Population Dynamics

Exponential Population Growth

Read the Discrete-Time Dynamical Systems notes, in the Lecture Notes module on Canvas.

Functions (Reporter Procedures)

Review (yes, again!) this section of my Netlogo Introduction lecture notes.


Review this section of my Netlogo Introduction lecture notes.

Video: Population Dynamics (Maureen Psaila-Dombrowski, 2015)

Video: NetLogo Monitors and Plots

by Maureen Psaila-Dombrowski. (Linked in the NetLogo videos.)

Also, watch the first of Wurzer's NetLogo tutorials (at the bottom of his list of videos).

Topic: More Plotting

Plotting Example (Models Library)

Find this in the NetLogo Models Library, under Code Examples. (You need this material for your homework projects. Please ask questions about anything you do not understand!)

Histogram Example (Models Library)

Find this in the NetLogo Models Library, under Code Examples. (You need this material for your homework projects. Please ask questions about anything you do not understand!)

Topic: Simple Rules for Complex Outcomes

Logistic Population Growth

Lecture Slides (via Canvas)

Model Parameters as Netlogo Sliders

Review this section of my Netlogo Programming lecture notes.

Advanced Reading
Simple Mathematical Models with Very Complicated Dynamics

[May-1976-Nature] (Classic introduction to non-linear dynamics.)

Programming Topic: Data Export and Analysis

Exploring and Extending Agent-Based Models

[Wilensky.Rand-2015-MIT] Chapter 3

Comma-Separated Values (CSV)

CSV Extension

File-Based IO

Reread this multiple times! (You may need this to get data from your model.)

Computational Social Science

Topic: Introduction to CSS

Models and Modeling

Read this section of my Introduction to Simulation Modeling Lecture Slides

Contrast or Assimilation: Choosing Camps in Simple or Realistic Modeling


Can Artificial Economies Help us Understand Real Economies?”

[Kirman-2012-OFCE] (Emphasis on macro fluctuations.)

Advanced Reading
Why Do Simulation? Towards a Working Epistemology for Practitioners of the Dark Arts

[Marney.Tarbert-2000-JASSS] (A defense of simulation modeling as a method of theorizing, and a discussion of possible antipathy from mainstream economists.)

“Artificial Adaptive Agents in Economic Theory”


“Remarks on the Foundations of Agent-based Generative Social Science”

[epstein-2006ch2-pup] (Compares and contrasts generative methods with traditional methods.)

Also see the supplementary readings.

Demonstration Models
  • Gambler's Ruin (static pairs experimental simulation) (You will need 10 pennies for the next few lectures.)

  • Gambler's Ruin (static pairs computer simulation)

Topic: Core Concepts in NetLogo Programming

Creating Simple Agent-Based Models

[Wilensky.Rand-2015-MIT] Chapter 2

NetLogo: Language Basics, and NetLogo Models

My NetLogo Programming lecture slides (via Canvas).

NetLogo Procedures (with input arguments)

NetLogo 6.0---Quick Guide


Topic: What Is Agent-Based Modeling?

Fishing Economy

You need to read the posted notes multiple times with careful attention to detail.

What Is Agent-Based Modeling

[Wilensky.Rand-2015-MIT] Chapter 1

Introduction to ABMS

Lecture Slides (via Canvas)

NetLogo Agents

Finish reading my NetLogo Introduction lecture notes. Pay special attention to the sections on Patches, Turtles, Procedures, and Plots.

Topic: CSS and ABM

Agent-Based Modeling and Simulation

Read this section of my Introduction to Simulation Modeling lecture slides.

Varieties of Emergence


Emergence videos

Watch one or more of these.

Advanced Reading
Tutorial on Agent-based Modelling and Simulation},


Why Agents? On The Varied Motivations For Agent Computing In The Social Sciences

[Axtell-2000-CSED17] (Reasons to use ABMs in CSS.)

Optional Readings and Resources
The Impact Of Agent-based Models In The Social Sciences After 15 Years Of Incursions

[Squazzoni-2010-HEI] explores how ABMs have changed the social sciences.

Introduction to ABM

[Railsback.Grimm-2019-PrincetonUP] Ch. 2, 3, 4

From the NetLogo videos, watch Irene Lee on Agent-Based Modeling with NetLogo. From the Basic Programming videos, watch Maureen Psaila-Dombrowski on Variables and Scope. Also consider Wurzer’s video tutorials (3-8 and 9-17) For graduate students, Gilbert (2008) ch. 4 may be helpful. (To use Gilbert’s code, change agent to agt everywhere.)

Demonstration Models

Topic: Experimental Design

Psaila-Dombrowski (2015)

BehaviorSpace in NetLogo (VIDEO) (Step-by-step application of BehaviorSpace to the Wolf-Sheep Predation Model; very useful for visual learners.)

BehaviorSpace documentation

Experimental Design

Lecture Slides

Designing Simulation Experiments

[Kelton-1999-WinSim] (Do not worry about the math.)

A User's Guide to the Brave New World of Designing Simulation Experiments

Kleijnen et al. (2005), (sections 1 & 2 only)

Advanced Reading
Kleijnen et al. (2005), A User's Guide to the Brave New World of Designing Simulation Experiments

Optional Reading and Resources
Analyzing Agent-Based Models

[Wilensky.Rand-2015-MIT] Chapter 6

Behavior Space

[Railsback.Grimm-2019-PrincetonUP] ch. 8, 9, 23

How to use BehaviorSpace

Janssen (2012)

Designing and Running Experiments in NetLogo (VIDEO)

Psaila-Dombrowski (2015) (Designing, running, and writing up an experiment; but no discussion of BehaviorSpace.)

Experimental Design: Basic Concepts and Terminology

Tesfatsion, Leigh (2007) (Includes an application to the Schelling segregation model.)

Implementing ABMs

Topic: Gift World and Theft World

Simple Economy

Read [Wilensky.Rand-2015-MIT] ch.2 (Section: Simple Economy) and then read the Info tab for the model: NetLogo Models Library > IABM Textbook > chapter 2 > Simple Economy. Experiment with the model.

Dynamic Histogram Example

NetLogo Models Library > Code Examples > Histogram Example (Read the Info tab; experiment with the model.)

Lorenz Curve and Gini Coefficient

Read the Wikipedia articles on these concepts.

Optional Reading
Integral Calculus: Introduction

Lecture Notes

Also see the supplementary readings on econophysics.

Topic: Two-Player Gambler's Ruin

Gambler's Ruin

Lecture Notes

Optional Reading
N-Player Gambler’s Ruin

See the supplementary readings.

Agent-Based and Individual-Based Modeling: A Practical Introduction

[Railsback.Grimm-2019-PrincetonUP] ch. 3.1-3.3

Agents, Environments, and Timescales

[Gilbert-2008-Sage] ch. 2

Follow the Money

[Hayes-2002-AmSci] describes a “yard-sale” model of the wealth distribution, in the econophysics tradition.

  • Code Example: Plotting Example

  • Gambler's Ruin (static pairs computer simulation: collaborative development)

Documenting Agent-Based Models

Topic: Collaborative Programming

Introduction to Subversion

Reread my Subversion lecture slides

Pair Programming

Topic:: ODD

You will use the ODD protocol for your project documentation.

Introduction to the ODD Protocol

Lecture Notes (via Canvas)

The ODD Protocol for Describing Agent-Based and Other Simulation Models


Also see the supplementary reading and resources.

Info tab of the Rebellion model

NetLogo Models Library (This model is an adaptation of the Epstein (2002) model of civil violence.) Illustrates NetLogo’s documentation facilities

Topic: UML

Unified Modeling Language (UML)

Lecture Notes (via Canvas)



The UML supplementary readings and resources include very useful videos.

More Agent-Based Methods

Topic: Programming Practices

Introduction to Implementation Verification

Lecture Notes

Verification, Validation, and Replication

[Wilensky.Rand-2015-MIT] Chapter 7

Topic: Segregation

Segregation Models

Lecture Notes

The Segregation Model

[Wilensky.Rand-2015-MIT] ch.3

Segregation Model

NetLogo Models Library (Experiment with the model as suggested in its Info tab.)

The Parable of the Polygons (interactive)

Hart and Case (2014)

“Seeing around corners”


Topic: Zero-Intelligence Traders

Zero Intelligence in Economics and Finance


Zero Intelligence Traders: Gode and Sunder (1993)

Szmulewiez, LeBaron, and Herb (2016)

For this topic there are optional additional readings.

Topic: Agent-Patch Interactions

Wolf-Sheep Predation (Info Tab)

NetLogo Models Library: Sample Models/Biology

Resource Foraging

Lecture Notes (see Readings on Canvas)

Video: Agent-Environment Interactions

by Psaila-Dombrowski (2015, video)

Sustatining the Commons

[Anderies.Janssen-2016-ASU] ch. 1

Optional Readings and Resources
Mushroom Hunt

[Railsback.Grimm-2019-PrincetonUP] ch. 2

Business Investor

[Railsback.Grimm-2019-PrincetonUP] ch. 10, 11, 12

Demonstration Models

Optional Midsemester Topics (Should Time Permit)

At this point, we may insert one or more optional topics, time permitting.

See the syllabus supplement for these and other possible topics.

More Interacting Agents

Topic: Interactions Between Mobile Agents

Traffic Basic (Info and Code tabs)

NetLogo Models Library

Heroes and Cowards (Info and Code tabs)

NetLogo Models Library » IABM Textbook » chapter 2 » Heroes and Cowards

Heroes and Cowards

Lecture Notes

Optional Reading and Resources
Flocking Model; Behavior Space

[Railsback.Grimm-2019-PrincetonUP] ch. 8

Traffic Model and Wolf-Sheep Predation

[Wilensky.Rand-2015-MIT] ch 4. and 5

Traffic Experiment

Turtle-Turtle Interaction (Peter Brooks)

Topic: Template Models (An Introduction)

The ABM Template Models: A Reformulation with Reference Implementations


Topic: Sugarscape (Introduction)

Introduction to Sugarscape

[Epstein.Axtell-1996-MIT] Ch. 1

Sugarscape 1 (Info and Code tabs)

Models Library » Sample Models »Social Science » Sugarscape » Sugarscape 1.

Sugarscape 2 (Info and Code tabs)

Models Library » Sample Models »Social Science » Sugarscape » Sugarscape 2.

For this topic there are optional additional readings.

More Spatially Situated Agents

Topic: Template Models (Continued)

The ABM Template Models: A Reformulation with Reference Implementations


Topic:: Sugarscape (Continued)

Seeing Around Corners


Exploring the Sugarscape

[Epstein.Axtell-1996-MIT] Ch. 1–2

Demo Models

Modeling Skills

Topic: More Sugarscape

Growing Artifical Societies

[Epstein.Axtell-1996-MIT] Ch. 3–5 (Comment: students who have not had intermediate micro theory may skim the technical details.)

Also see the supplementary Sugarscape readings.

Networks of Agents

Topic: Introduction to Networks

Video: Infectious Disease Model from Scratch

Video: NetLogo Network Primitives

by David Hale (2016)

Documentation link:

NetLogo’s nw extension

Video: This Video Will Make You Angry by CGP Grey

Advanced Reading
On Networks and Markets


Optional Reading
Textbook reading on networks.

[Railsback.Grimm-2019-PrincetonUP] Ch. 10, 11, 12, 13, with special attention to Ch. 10.4, 11.1, 12.1-12.2.

The Message of Measles

Paumgarter (2019)

Preferential Attachement Graph Creation using NetLogo

Video: Vidal (2013)

Introducing Time and Space

[Badham-2020-ebook] ch. 3

Agents Making Decisions

[Badham-2020-ebook] ch. 4

Topic: Network Analysis

Video: Network Structure

by Jen Golbeck (2013)

Optional Reading
Using Visualizations to Explore Network Dynamics


Using Lord of the Flies to Teach Social Networks

Adams (2016)

Topic:: Meme Transmission

Ants, Rationality, and Recruitment


The Dissemination of Culture


Video: Narrative Economics

Agent-Based Macroeconomics and Finance

Topic: Macroeconomics

Why Do We Need Agent-Based Macroeconomics?


Modeling Macroeconomies as Open-Ended Dynamic Systems of Interacting Agents


Recommened Reading
The Economy Needs Agent-Based Modelling


Topic: From Econophysics to Macroeconomics

Exploring the Social-Architecture Model


Other Possible Topics (Should Time Permit)

See the syllabus supplement for other possible topics. Let me know if any are a priority for you.



Anderies, John M., and Marco A. Janssen. (2016) Sustaining the Commons. Tempe, AZ: Center for the Study of Institutional Diversity, Arizona State University.


Arthur, W. Brian. (2020) "Algorithms and the Shift in Modern Science". Beijer Institute of Ecological Economics Beijer Discussion Paper 269.


Axelrod, Robert. (1997) The Dissemination of Culture: A Model with Local Convergence and Global Polarization. Journal of Conflict Resolution 41, 203--226.


Axtell, Robert. (2000) "Why Agents? On The Varied Motivations For Agent Computing In The Social Sciences". Center on Social and Economic Dynamics Working Paper 17.


Badham, Jennifer. (2020) Agent-Based Modelling for the Self Learner. Mountain View, CA: self published.


Bersini, Hugues. (2012) UML for ABM. Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation 15, Article 9.


Chu, Kar-Hai, Heather Wipfli, and Thomas W Valente. (2013) Using Visualizations to Explore Network Dynamics. Journal of Social Structure 14, Article 1.


Cincotti, S., M. Raberto, and A. Teglio. (2022) Why Do We Need Agent-Based Macroeconomics?. Rev Evol Polit Econ 3, 5--29.


Coen, Corinne. (2009) Contrast or Assimilation: Choosing Camps in Simple or Realistic Modeling. Computational and Mathematical Organization Theory 15, 19--25.


Cormen, Thomas H. (2013) Algorithms Unlocked. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.


Downey, Allen B. (2009) Python for Software Design: How to Think Like a Computer Scientist. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.


Edmonds, Bruce, et al. (2019) Different Modelling Purposes. Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation 22, Article 6.


Epstein, Joshua M. (2006) Remarks on the Foundations of Agent-based Generative Social Science. In: Generative Social Science: Studies in Agent-Based Computational Modeling, 50--71. : Princeton University Press.


Epstein, Joshua M., and Robert L. Axtell. (1996) Growing Artificial Societies: Social Science from the Bottom Up. Washington, DC and Cambridge, MA: Brookings Institution Press and MIT Press.


Farmer, J. Doyne, and Duncan Foley. (2009) The Economy Needs Agent-Based Modelling. Nature 460, 685--686.


Gilbert, Nigel. (2002) Varieties of Emergence. In: Social Agents: Ecology, Exchange, and Evolution, 41--56. Chicago, IL: University of Chicago and Argonne National Laboratory.


Gilbert, Nigel. (2008) Agent-Based Models. : Sage Publications, Inc..


Goodwin, Richard M. (1951) Iteration, Automatic Computers, and Economic Dynamics. Metroeconomica 3, 1--7.


Grimm, Volker, et al. (2020) The ODD Protocol for Describing Agent-Based and Other Simulation Models: A Second Update to Improve Clarity, Replication, and Structural Realism. Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation 23, Article 7.


Hayes, Brian. (2002) Follow the Money. American Scientist 90, 400--405.


Holland, John H., and John H. Miller. (1991) Artificial Adaptive Agents in Economic Theory.


Isaac, Alan G. (2011) The ABM Template Models: A Reformulation with Reference Implementations. Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation 14, paper 5.


Izquierdo, Luis R. (2018) NetLogo 6.0---Quick Guide.


Janssen, Marco A. (2012) Introduction to Agent-Based Modeling. Tempe, AZ: self.


Kelton, W. David. (1999) "Designing Simulation Experiments". In (Eds.) Proceedings of the 31st Conference on Winter Simulation: Simulation---A Bridge to the Future - Volume 1, Phoenix, Arizona, United States: ACM.


Kirman, Alan P. (1993) Ants, Rationality, and Recruitment. Quarterly Journal of Economics 108, 137--156.


Kirman, Alan. (2012) Can Artificial Economies Help us Understand Real Economies?. Revue de l'OFCE 124, 15--41.


Ladley, Dan. (2012) Zero Intelligence in Economics and Finance. The Knowledge Engineering Review 27, 273--286.


LeBaron, Blake, and Leigh Tesfatsion. (2008) Modeling Macroeconomies as Open-Ended Dynamic Systems of Interacting Agents. American Economic Review 98, 246--250.


Lukianoff, Greg, and Jonathan Haidt. (2018) The Coddling of the American Mind: How Good Intentions and Bad Ideas Are Setting Up a Generation for Failure. London, England: Penguin Books.


Macal, C. M., and M. J. North. (2010) Tutorial on Agent-based Modelling and Simulation. Journal of Simulation 4, 151--162.


Maria, Anu. (1997) "Introduction to Modeling and Simulation". In (Eds.) Proceedings of the 1997 Winter Simulation Conference, : .


Marney, J.P., and Heather F.E. Tarbert. (2000) Why Do Simulation? Towards a Working Epistemology for Practitioners of the Dark Arts. Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation 3, Article 4.


May, Robert M. (1976) Simple Mathematical Models with Very Complicated Dynamics. Nature 261, 459--67.


Railsback, Steven F., and Volker Grimm. (2019) Agent-Based and Individual-Based Modeling: A Practical Introduction. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press.


Rauch, Jonathan. (2002) Seeing Around Corners. The Atlantic Monthly 289, 35--48.


Richiardi, Matteo G. (2012) Agent-Based Computational Economics: A Short Introduction. The Knowledge Engineering Review 27, 137--149.


Sen, Amartya K. (1977) Rational Fools: A Critique of the Behavioral Foundations of Economic Theory. Philosophy and Public Affairs 6, 317--344.


Squazzoni, Flaminio. (2010) The Impact Of Agent-based Models In The Social Sciences After 15 Years Of Incursions. History of Economic Ideas 18, 197--233.


Wilensky, Uri, and William Rand. (2015) An Introduction to Agent-Based Modeling: Modeling Natural, Social, and Engineered Complex Systems with NetLogo. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.


Zuckerman, Ezra W. (2003) On Networks and Markets by Rauch and Casella, eds.. Journal of Economic Literature 41, 545-565.

Version: 2023-07-07

The syllabus above is Copyright © 2023 by Alan G. Isaac. Some rights are reserved. This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License version 2.0 (or any subsequent version).